Decluttering Before Moving To A New Home
Decluttering Before Moving To A New Home

Decluttering Before Moving To A New Home

Are you moving to a new home and looking for some tips on what to keep? Decluttering before moving is one of the best ways to start your new life in your new place. It takes time, but it helps make driving easier and faster with fewer things. You can always find another use for something you don’t want anymore, like donating or selling it. Decluttering your space will help reduce stress levels when going through all the boxes too.

Many people think they have to get rid of everything before moving, but this isn’t true. Decluttering is about doing the most important and necessary tasks first, so you don’t spend too much time sorting through it all at once. It will help if you start by getting rid of anything old or broken like clothes, furniture, appliances, electronics etc. Next, it is a good idea to go through personal items such as photos and memorabilia, which may not be worth keeping if there are duplicates elsewhere in your home or family members want them for themselves. The last thing would be things that aren’t used often or ones we never use – these would be better suited given away rather than dragging them along with you when you move.


It would help if you got rid of anything which is broken and expired. We did not sometimes know which food is expired, so check all the packets one by one and if anyone from them passed, then throw it away. Also, if you have any old leftovers, then think about throwing them away. Lonely lids are also a problem at this stage. Keep any of these that you can fit inside a box and leave the rest as they will be impossible to store once everything is boxed up.

Dining Area

Dining Area

We recommend that kitchen appliances go into a box labelled “Kitchen” while dining room accessories go into one labelled “Dining”. They’ll stay safer this way, as well as more organised come moving day. We will then put together all these individual boxes for the shipment before arriving at your new home. If your new home space for the dining area is small, the current one, then you need to declutter some items from it.

Living Room

Anything you want to keep – such as books, photos or toys – should be boxed up in preparation for the move. Make sure items like clothes and furniture are also easily accessible during this time so they can be packed away with their respective boxes when it’s time to head off on your big day! Declutter your living room by packing away items like clothes and furniture, books, photos or toys that won’t be coming with you. We are not suggesting throwing away books but moving them to another place or store in a smaller box. Also, you already read the version. It would help if you donated those or take their backup digitally.

The living room is the first space you’ll want to clean out as it’s used for daily activities such as lounging, eating dinner or hosting guests when they visit. Anything you want to keep – like books, photos or toys – should be boxed up and put away so that your family has an easy time packing their things during this hectic time. Declutter furniture by putting any remaining items from the living room into boxes with labels according (if needed) before moving day arrives. This way, your home will be ready for life after the big move.

Living Room


Bedrooms are some of the most personal spaces in the house, so make sure to take your time and go through each nook and cranny of this space. Declutter (if needed) by going through clothes, shoes, or bags packed up for the move. To save on space while packing, these items will need to be bundled together neatly – such as sweaters with other clothing articles like hats or gloves in a small box/bag- before storing them away into closets or drawers until they’re unpacked at their new home. As mentioned above, it’s essential to declutter any sentimental belongings from one bedroom before doing another! With all bedrooms done, you’ll want to finally tidy up any extra mess from around the room, including dusting furniture and vacuum cleaner. Any clothes that are not fitting now to you or your family members need to donate or give away without a second thought. Declutter clothes that are no longer fitting or worn by children who have grown out of them; these clothes may still fit their parents but do not make sense if everyone has different sizes now. Keep only what is necessary – coats and sweaters.


Declutter any beauty products not used or needed, like make-up and hairstyling items that are no longer being used in your new home, will need to be thrown away. Pack up towels neatly into a clean laundry basket with the dirty ones going into another crate, as well as cleaning supplies for guests to use when visiting instead of storing them awkwardly inside tubs or on countertops. Toiletries and toilet paper should also be sorted into a crate for easy access.

Pack up any bath or shower products you plan to use in your new home, like body wash and shampoo, so they can stay where they will get used the most. Declutter unused beauty supplies that are not needed anymore and other bathroom items such as old pasta bowls and plastic cutlery which could go with take-out orders when the need arises.



Some tools and hardware into the garage, like a ladder or an extra set of cordless power tools, and carefully pack up any other items that would be useful for household projects.

Exercise Equipment

Declutter unused exercise equipment you no longer use or, even better, sell before moving to your new home.

Exercise Equipment
Contact Quick Rubbish Removals Today

Contact Quick Rubbish Removals Today

Quick Rubbish Removals is an expert Melbourne rubbish removal company. We will help you to declutter everything which you need. Decluttering before moving is an excellent idea because it means you can enjoy your new place without all the overwhelming clutter. Call us on 1300 676 515 for any rubbish removal needs.