Interior Design Tips And Tricks When Moving
Interior Design Tips And Tricks When Moving

Interior Design Tips And Tricks When Moving

If you or someone you know is moving to a new home, this article will be perfect. Interior Design Tips And Tricks When Moving is about how the design of your home can make the transition to a new one more manageable and more enjoyable. What furniture should stay with the old house and what should go with the new place, which items are essential for any room in the new home, and decorate a living room with much natural light.

We have a whole section dedicated to children’s rooms. If you’re looking for tips geared towards moving with kids, then We tell you which furniture items should stay at home or go into storage while we move and which items can come along with us to get lost during our relocation process.


If you are moving to a new house with hardwood or laminate floors, then you are in luck because these surfaces require very little prep work when moving. Carpet is another story altogether, and this flooring type needs to be carefully removed before it can be put back down again. If you have a budget to spend on hiring a professional, then it is best to invest in the services of a specialised carpet installation company. But suppose you don’t have the budget for this and you are looking for tips that will help install your carpets after moving. In that case, we recommend using these helpful hacks: Use masking tape to create a straight line across all edges before removing any pieces from under furniture or appliances. This ensures an accurate measurement of how much carpet needs to be cut off when reinstalling new flooring later on. Not only does this step save time, but it also helps prevent mistakes by giving you black lines as guides while measuring distances between walls and baseboards where once there was just white wall space.



If your new house is painted very well, you can move without doing anything; otherwise, you need to paint first for all walls. It will be easy for your movers to install furniture into the house because if you paint after unpacking, you need to wrap all the things again while painting work.

Painting over unpainted walls and trim before moving is a good idea since it will save you time later on.

Painting can be considered a quick Interior design tip because it’s an easy task that doesn’t take long. It also saves money from hiring painters or cleaners after unpacking and setting up furniture.

Painting over unpainted walls and trim before moving is a good idea since it will save you time later on.

Keys And Locks Replacement

Yes, this is necessary when you are not the house’s first owner because the previous owner may give keys to relatives, workers, neighbours, or cleaning service persons. So, you need to change the locks and get new keys from a locksmith.

Keys And Locks Replacement
Air Quality Control

Air Quality Control

It’s advisable to open windows for ventilation purposes more often to keep your home at optimum air quality levels than keeping them shut all day long (especially if you have pets). This Interior design tip also relates to painting; opening up your windows can help dry paint faster.

Closet Systems

If you get a ready closet system, it will be easier for you to find your clothes and other belongings. But if you will do it later, you will remove all the things again, and it will take more time and money.

Closet Systems


The most important tip for your bedroom is to try and make it feel like a bit of an oasis. This means that you should have the bed covered in white sheets, light up some candles, put on excellent calming music or add aromatherapy oil diffusers depending on what style of relaxing atmosphere you want. It also helps if there are no televisions in the room because they emit blue light, disrupting our sleep cycles. Use two dressers side by side instead of one large piece of furniture that will take up too much space.

Kitchen Interior Design

If you’re planning to renovate your kitchen but don’t know where to start, then these Interior design tips will help out: with limited space and lack of storage, use hanging hooks from ceilings instead of typically used.

Kitchen Interior Design


Do not forget about the garage door installation as well! It’s important to note that most homes don’t have a garage installed with high enough ceilings for a regular-sized car, so you’ll need one large enough for your vehicles.

Electrical Upgrades

You should check all the switchboards are running well or damaged by leaks, among other electrical upgrades. If any things are not working, you need to fix them before moving to that new home, so it will give you comfort after moving to a new place. It’s better not to put lamps overhead because they can disrupt our sleep cycles with their brightness and heat radiating from them. This could also lead to cracked ceilings!

Electrical Upgrades
Furniture Interior Design

Furniture Interior Design

One Interior design tip is to make sure your furniture in the living room doesn’t block any window view, such as a picturesque scene or beautiful sky outside. Interior Designing is an art that should be for decoration and make the space more comfortable. Interior designers plan areas to maximise usage of every inch so you can have a better, well-designed space.

Contact Careful Hands Movers To Plan You Move

Careful Hands Movers has been providing reliable furniture removalist services for many years. Our professional movers will unpack all the items as per your new interior at the destination place, Call us at 1300 724 553 or get a Free Quote online.

Contact Careful Hands Movers To Plan You Move